Colin Boni

User experience designer

What I can do for your company

Depends on the issues you are facing

seeking an appropriate market

Does your product have to change and pivot  so your company can thrive ?
I can do user research, define and validate product hypotheses, and fine-tune the user experience of your products.

your customers

Do you need new features and/or new distribution models ?
If so, I can do research on user adoption, design new features and conduct usability tests.


Has your product been in the wild for a while and you fear losing customers ?
I can differentiate your product from those of your competitors. My research can make it more customer-oriented, and I can optimize your product for key usage scenarios.

Managing product

Do you have more than one product, and want to launch more ?
These days, it’s essential to launch and improve faster, and make design activities easier. My role here is to strengthen the design process, and set guidelines and style guides.

your product
out of a crisis  

Is your customer base, profit or market shrinking? Do you want to make gradual improvements or radical changes? 
I can  design new features and conduct user research for all of that.

a new product
for your market

Do you have a project or a new product to design?
Together, we can design, build and test drive a prototype of your product and test it in real life situations.

Examples of my work

A few case studies

Managing a rwd process

I have the expetise - because teaching a responsive web design process and driving a successfull project can be complicated. 

Redesigning a mobile app after a fail

Because when a product fails we need to put  the focus on people and not only on new features. 

Prototyping apps for work professionals

Because building a completely new product for professionals must be  handled with care.

Read full case studies

Side projects

always a good way to push yourself further

RonRon the NapQuest

This is a project centered on the reality that in France  we have serious problems of burnout at work. Also people have forgotten about the ancestral art of napping. So we designed an Android app that helps people to rediscover  napping. We will launch in December.


I worked with friends on a mobile app that helps people to discover interesting  new wines while road-tripping. Because in France there is so many hidden places where you can find wine that suits your taste.

About side projects...

Side projects are vital for creative people. When you are working on a long project, side projects help us to bounce up and become awesome again.

Colin.boni (@)

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